Old Growth Ventures received notice from the National Park Service and Texas Historical Commission that its 1217 and 1219 Tulane craftsman bungalows in the Houston Heights have received a preliminary determination of eligibility for inclusion of individual listing on the National Register of Historic Places.

"We are particularly excited as we believe these bungalows are the oldest single bedroom craftsmans in original configuration left in the Houston Heights Historical Districts, and were left out of inclusion in the multiple property listing in the 1980s. But more importantly, they are unique properties designed as part of a pair, with architectural elements of each used to visually impact the other house. Kind of like a two house architectural jigsaw puzzle. We think they are the only pair of this type in Houston, and we think this is the first time houses have been proposed singly, but on the basis of architecturally complementing members of a pair, for inclusion on the National Register," said Neal Dikeman, CEO of Old Growth Ventures.
OGV noted in its statement, "We are looking forward to completing the restoration and project as part of our HAHC COA - even apart from the Historic nature of this project, Houston is missing modest sized single family homes in general, especially in the city core."